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General Contacts

Aquila District Headquarters: 978-744-4333

Yankee Clipper Council Headquarters: 36 Amesbury Road, Haverhill, MA 01830 978-372-0591 fax 978-373-9134

Troop Contacts (boys ages 11 and up)

Scoutmaster: Nelson Miller  231-3953

Troop Executive Committee Chair: George Ayube  231-1425

Advancement: Kevin Wildman, Asst Scoutmaster 233-5235

Treasurer: Ken Sarnie 233-4088

Pack Contacts (for boys ages 6-10)

Cubmaster: Chris Harvey 781-233-5173

Supplies (Nearest Boy Scout Shops)

Middleton:  189 N. Main St (Rte 114) 978-774-1130

Winchester: 123 Washington Street 781-721-6860

Handy Links

Aquila District  - great for updates on council-wide activities

Official BSA Web site

Advancement Requirements

On this page:

Council, Troop & Pack Contacts  ·  Supply Outlets  ·  Advancement  ·  Campgrounds  ·  Publishing  tips  ·  BSA Links  ·  more

Publishing guidelines

If your group is doing something newsworthy, tell us!  Articles, news, photos etc. are welcome.  Bring them to a meeting, or email   Photos must feature at least one adult leader, and parent written permission is required to post a Scout';s photo).


Camp Onway, Onway Lake Road, Raymond, NH 03077  603-895-9048

Camp Wah-Tut-Ca, Blakes Hill Road, Northwood, NH 03261 603-942-5233

Lone Tree Reservation, 12 West Shore Park Rd, Kingston, NH 03848 603-642-4581

BSA Troop 61, Saugus, Massachusetts